The BioMed Platform
Current biological and medical research activities at the RBI are being conducted within the Biological and Medical research infrastructural platform, and include basic and applied research in the field of biology, biotechnology, ecology, biomedicine and drug discovery. These provide a contribution to: solving long-term challenges in the field of health and general quality of life, through development of new disease diagnostics and prognostics, targeted therapy, public health monitoring and prognostics; development of novel technologies and services to industry (pharmaceutical industry, food-processing industry, chemical industry and etc.) and the public sector. The platform has at its disposal more than 200 researchers.
- Advanced diagnostics unit
- Chemical and Biochemical Unit
- Biotechnology Unit
- Bio-imaging Unit
- Animal Model Centre
The TechMat Platform
The key areas on which the TechMat platform will focus its development, innovation and innovation-commercialization activities are the Key enabling technologies (KET), specifically, advanced materials nanotechnology, advanced materials, photonics and manufacturing technologies, with significant potential in micro and nanoelectronics. The focus of TechMat activities towards KET will ensure better harmonization of the RBI and Croatia with the EU priorities and boost Institute’s potential for active participation in the Horizon 2020 programme.
- Synthesis and production of material unit
- Characterization unit
- Photonics unit
- Radiation technology unit
The MarEnv Platform
Activities to be conducted within the MarEnv platform contribute to identified areas of Blue and Green growth initiatives.
MarEnv has already achieved significant interdisciplinary cooperation with both RBI internal and external users (research institutions, researchers, business sector, public sector), which is supported by the strong national and international collaboration and dissemination of their research results in recognized scientific journals with high impact and participation in international scientific conferences. The MarEnv platform has at its disposal more than 100 researchers. In the period 2002-2016, RBI researchers in related fields participated in more than 40 research projects with value of more than EUR 4 Million.
Scientific productivity, international recognition and the quality of scientific personnel have made the RBI a unique environmental research resource of national and regional importance and the pivotal research institution in Croatia in natural science, biomedicine, marine research and environmental science.
- Oceanography and Environmental Modelling Unit
- Biogeochemistry and Analytics Unit
- Biochemistry and Biodiversity Unit
- Radioecology Unit
- Martinska Research Station in Šibenik
The ICST Platform
The past and current research activities of RBI span a core set of computing research domains: virtual cluster managers, hybrid computing services, and intelligent data analytics (data mining, machine learning) and visualisation.
Together, these core domains create a platform for developing ICST services. Activities in these domains correlate with each other where the data analytics and visualization component (e.g. specific machine learning algorithms and models) are improved as part of the hybrid computing frameworks (e.g., algorithms are parallelized) and finally deployed and managed by a virtual cluster manager (e.g., as a functional application execution environment).
The resulting platforms are then utilized in multidisciplinary scientific fields. Ultimately, the resulting applications expose the low-level e-Infrastructure resources or low-level technical algorithms in consumable formats and provide the necessary technological bridge.